Num Course Description Date Time Materials
1 Power Analysis 2023-07-10 10.00 Smiley face
2 Error Bars and Error Propagation 2023-07-10 11.00 Smiley face
3 Functional Annotation Tool The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) 2023-07-10 12.00 Smiley face
4 Good Plots Good Plots for Publication: A Couple of Examples 2023-07-10 14.30 Smiley face
5 Bulk RNAseq Different sequencing approaches RNAseq 2023-07-17 10.00 Smiley face
6 Single-cell RNAseq Single-cell sequencing 2023-07-17 11.00 Smiley face
7 GSEA Gene Set Enrichment Analysis 2023-07-17 12.00 Smiley face
8 DSEA - Gene2Drug Drug Set Enrichment Analysis 2023-07-17 14.30 Smiley face